Author | Speaker | Teacher
Lynn H. Cohick (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University. She was provost at two US-based evangelical seminaries, taught at Wheaton College for eighteen years, and taught at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (now Africa International University) when she and her family lived in Kenya. She is President of the Institute of Biblical Research (IBR), is senior translator on the New Living Bible Translation for Tyndale Publishing House, and serves on the Board of Trustees at Biola University. Dr. Cohick is the founder and President of Center for Women in Leadership, a principal with Dr. Sandra Glahn and Dr. George Kalantzis of the Visual Museum of Women in Christianity, and the founder and host of The Alabaster Jar podcast.
Dr. Lynn Cohick, PhD
Lynn H. Cohick is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University. She holds a PhD in New Testament, Christian Origins, from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Religious Studies from Messiah University in Grantham, PA.
Lynn and her family moved to Kijabe, Kenya, in the late 1990s and lived there for three years. Her husband helped start and then served as the Executive Director at CURE International’s first hospital, and during their time in Kenya, Lynn taught at NEGST (now AIU). Her experiences with students from across sub-Saharan Africa gave her a love and appreciation for the global church.
Lynn and her family returned to live in the US when she accepted a teaching position at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL. She served as the faculty vice-chair, as interim chair of the Bible and Theology Department, and then as interim dean of Humanities and Theological Studies.
Dr. Cohick has authored, co-authored, and co-edited a number of scholarly books, chapters, papers, and projects. Books include: The Letter to the Ephesians in NICNT (2020); Christian Women in the Patristic World: Their Influence, Authority, and Legacy in the Second through the Fifth Centuries, co-authored with Amy Brown Hughes, 2017); Philippians in The Story of God Commentary (2013); Ephesians in New Covenant Commentary (2010); Women in the World of the Earliest Christians (2009). Two other notable works: she is co-editor for Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (2023) in IVP Bible Dictionary Series (2nd ed), and contributor (Samaritan Women chapter) to Vindicating the Vixens (2017), edited by Dr. Sandra Glahn.
In addition to being a well-respected scholar and writer, Dr. Cohick is a highly sought-after speaker. She has delivered papers, moderated and participated on expert panels, and delivered talks and keynote speeches at conferences, lecture halls, and churches. Dr. Cohick has greatly benefited from the encouragement she received from mentors and colleagues early and throughout her career. She is eager to empower and encourage all who are gifted and pursuing the call to be used of God with their talents.
Dr. Cohick has led study tours to Israel, Greece, Turkey, and Italy. She serves as President of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR) and is senior translator on the New Living Bible Translation for Tyndale Publishing House. She serves on the Board of Trustees at Biola University. Dr. Cohick is the founder and President of Center for Women in Leadership, a principal with Dr. Sandra Glahn and Dr. George Kalantzis of the Visual Museum of Women in Christianity (, and the founder and host of The Alabaster Jar podcast.
Lynn is married to Jim, and they have two adult married children. They are proud grandparents of two grandsons and one granddaughter.